Skyfire Crown
Posts the Trove developers have made that mention "Skyfire Crown"
Preview: the Candy Barbarian class Gem. The Skyfire Crown has moved to the Stash Exclus Show
- Zone Restrictions now applied to existing zones when terraforming.
- Fix for higher-ranks not being able to modify zones whose permissions had allowed lower ranking club members to modify the zone.
- Restricted ranks that can terraform a club world to Officer and Leader.
- You can now interact with objects without directly targeting them. When you get near an interactable object, its tooltip appears and you can press the action button to interact with it. Don't worry - you can still target objects directly, too.
- Players and NPCs no longer block your interactions when they are standing between you and the object you are trying to interact with.
- Tooltips for interactable objects no longer appear when you are outside of interaction range.
- Updated a lot of the UI to better accommodate longer, localized strings.
- The claims icon in the lower left of the screen will now show up for new claims that you haven't seen, even if they were automatically claimed. Most notably, whenever we do giveaways, you'll have that icon to notify you. And if you buy something from the store it will also appear.
- The Loot Collector no longer accepts additional loot once the "Components Collected" section is full.
- All categories in the Settings menu now prompt you to save unsaved changes when switching to new categories.
- Added a "Collapse All"/"Expand All" button to the collections UI.
- Expanded space in the Marketplace for a second line for the item name.
- Challenges and Objectives now show the name of the reward being earned.
- The welcome screen no longer displays your chaos factor. Check your character stats if you need to know!
- World tooltips now appear more quickly.
- Renamed the style vault categories: Hat Style Vault, Mask Style Vault, etc to simply "Vault". These strings are only used in Collections (when you have already selected Hats, Faces, etc) and in the redesigned Loot Collector.
- Contest rewards in the claims window now show when they expire.
- Town portal tooltips now have complete names.
- Crafting item name text field extended to prevent cut off.
- If one person cancels out of the name change prompt, other players also contemplating a name change will no longer have their prompts disappear.
- Consuming Dragon Souls will now properly refer to the type of soul consumed.
- Client no longer gets stuck trying to find the next item in the action bar after removing the active item from action bar within build mode.
- Better auto-selection of the first available recipe for the workbench.
- Handle near simultaneous equipping and trashing of an inventory slot.
- Aligned Gem Power Rank numbers between the Gem tooltip and the Gem interface.
- Pinata Coins now correctly state that they are an event currency that will disappear sometime in the future.
- Removed a warning message when changing auras on stellar weapons.
- The scroll speed for chat has been normalized.
- Navigation menu can be opened regardless of whether the inventory is also open.
- The Runecrafting bench description in the Adventurer's Crafting Bench has been corrected.
- In Collections, added a new dropdown option: Show Favorites. This will make it easier to narrow down your search to just your favorited Tomes/Mounts/Allies/etc.
- In Collections: Tomes, added an icon to indicate when a tome is "sleeping" and can't earn any more experience this week. This will make it easier to see which Tomes are still available at a glance.
- Updated descriptions for the following crafting materials to be more specific: Blank Scroll, Diamond, Shadow Diamond, and Ancient Scale.
- The Trading Post UI window now automatically closes if the other player cancels the trade (it already automatically closed on completion of a successful trade).
Other Improvements
- Trophies have been added to Trove! If you’ve already met a trophies’ requirements the trophy will unlock on patch day. You may need to change worlds (go through a portal) to cause trophies to unlock.
- Shadow Towers will now be spawned in their owner's region (EU or NA).
- The Omni Recipe item now unlocks the White Die and Black Die recipes.
- The clock tower in the City of Bones shadow dungeon has been updated to make travel and NPC spawning less of a pain.
- Rally Blade is now more likely to match you with adventuring players (and ignoring AFK ones).
- Pegasus Wings are now less transparent.
- Non-tradable Patron Coins and Daily Reward Chests are no longer loot collectable.
- Radiant Auras no longer disappear when viewed from any angle.
- The Rascal Raptor, Eggnog, and Baby Punchbot are now in the 'Promo' tab in collections.
- Removed exploit tied to a combat effect that is granted with the Candy Barbarian class Gem.
- The Skyfire Crown has moved to the Stash Exclusive category and can now be unlocked using Super Style Stashes.
- Updated the criteria for the featured club world portals in the hub so that none should ever be empty.
- 2 new Battle Arena maps have been added to the rotation.
- Reduced terraforming countdown from 25 to 10 seconds.
- Kills from spawned allies (Tombraiser's minions, Pirate Captain's "First Mate", Dracolyte’s Burnt Offerings) will now start counting towards the Defeat Enemies stat tracking.
- The Tech Table Segment recipe is no longer called the Tech Table Corner recipe.
- Added an internal cooldown to reduce /joinme spamming. This cooldown will prevent players from focused spamming invites at a specific player but won't prevent someone from inviting several friends to join them at once.
- Due to the number of legendary tomes we've cut the experience required to fill them in half!
- Since the value of these items are decreasing we have removed non-tradable Class Coin and inventory expander from rare table of daily lockboxes.
- Revenant Costume - Super Magical now indicates creator in item description.
- Fixed bug where using Neon Ninja ultimate and basic attack at the same time could crash the client.
- Fixed bug where Ice Sage's Frozen Ward absorbed damage and was removed for all attacks.
- Carpet mounts can now glide and it’s a whole new world!
- Spring plants can now grow! Winter plants no longer grow.
- Pinatas now correctly drop loot in the Shores of the Everdark
- Cooldown behavior for abilities when switching worlds will no longer reset to max cooldown time.
- SFX have returned for invasions and bombs.
- VFX tied to Gem abilities are cleaned up when switching classes.
- Experience Boost stat is now called Experience Gain and has a base value of 100 instead of 0. This is for the new Double Experience Potions, so it has a value to double.
- New Streamer dream allies have been added to Streamer Dream boxes! These are given out by Trion Creators and grant a random reward to whoever claims it.
- Fixed an issue where the ignore list would sometimes show the wrong name for players.
- Daughter of the Moon geysers now clean-up after twenty four seconds and no longer persist the entire duration of the fight.
- Deconstructing Rare, Epic, Relic, and Resplendent Rings now rewards appropriate amounts of Flux based on rarity.
- Number of charges now stays constant when using an ultimate ability with the Vial of Unleashed Power equipped.
- Flasks and Emblems now have a brief cooldown when swapped.
- Improved projectile collision.
- Panatea the Partifier no longer requires a Party Animal (pinata) to craft.
- Changing Auras on Stellar gear will now cause it to be non-tradable.
- Fixed a bug causing a “Timeout” error when linking accounts. You can once again link your console to a Trion Worlds account to receive a sweet reward!
- Fixed bug where Scintilla, Spark of the Sky didn't provide movement buff to others.
- Fixed bug where Marketplace comparisons didn't work when Flux was the selling currency.
- Fix rare crash that occurs when disconnected while entering a different world.
- Fixed bug where muzzle flash VFX didn't appear when firing mount cannons.
- Fixed bug where some mount cannons didn't play sounds when firing.
- Fixed a bug where zoning while mounted could crash you.
- Fixed bug where Pirate Captain Turret disappeared (but continued to fire) after 10 seconds even if you picked up doubloons.
- Fixed a disconnect issue related to trading.
- Fixed a disconnect issue related to NPCs destroying plants grown from seeds.
- Fixed a bug where the initial rotation of projectiles was slightly inaccurate.
- Fixed an issue where boss icons in the Shadow Tower UI could disappear for non-English language players.
- Fixed an issue where sometimes icons wouldn't show up in the Trade window.
- Fixed an issue where particle collisions could create a feedback loop and travel relativistic speeds.
- Fixed a bug regarding not all parts of the /whisper text being localized.
- Fixed a few incorrect speed values on assorted sets of wings which were too slow.
- Fixed an issue in VFX rendering that was causing some crashes.
- Fixed a crash that could happen on the loading screen.
- Fixed an issue where particle effects could lead to a client crash.
- Fixed a bug where players could kick other users out of Club Worlds regardless of rank.
- Fixes the missing category for Jurassic Jungle under Collections>Crafting>Biome Recipes.
- Fixed a crash that would sometimes trigger when someone nearby was using the mining laser.
- Fixed a common crash bug related to the particle system.
- Fixed a crash triggered by going through portals when on the Dino Tamer ultimate.
- Fix for a crash that could happen on start up.
- Fixed a bug where Patron Bonuses could apply twice in some situations.
- Fix bug in Character sheet where some abilities didn't display or it displayed a previous class's ability.
- Fix World chat channel being assigned to wrong numbered slot after changing worlds.
- Fixed a bug with the catalog generator.
- Club and Officer Chests now show correct text when interacted with.
- Fixed a bug with the currency display on the Marketplace.
- Fixed the off-center icons in the Claims UI.
- Kicking from club worlds should work correctly again, again.
- A relatively common crash involving using the mining laser has been fixed.
- Stellar Aura VFX now disappear when you die instead of floating around your tombstone.
- Fixed projectile targeting in PVP.
- The level up text for the Chloromancer when reaching level 3 has been fixed.
- Fixed bug where you couldn't invite non-friends to join you in a world.
- Fixed underflow bug in club UI.
- Fixed bug where contest reward progress meter didn't show in Leaderboard UI.
- Fixed a bug which could cause the intro video to play at the wrong resolution.
- Fixed z-fighting issue with rendering transparent blocks underwater.
- Fixed bug where progress could be made toward event objectives before they were active.
- Fixed an issue with the Loot Collector Buyback Leaderboard.
- Improved portal interaction when there is loot nearby (this is most especially apparent at the end of dungeons).
- Fixed bug where the Revenant's Spirit Storm ability and the Candy Barbarian's Scoop n' Gloop Gem ability didn't draw in enemies.
- Golden Gem Keys and the old Moon Gem and Shadow Gems are now visible in the crafting inventory.
- Fixed an issue where items could go to the new Currency Inventory but be invisible. Such items will get moved back to your normal Adventure Inventory.
- Clarified wording on Challenge objectives and some portals.
- Fixed a client crash that could occur for players switching between classes.
- Fixed uncommon server crash that could happen when moving Cornerstones.
- Fixed bug where air current blocks persisted above cornerstone after moving it.
- Fix for some collection images not showing when unlocked for the first time.
- Fix for the Ocean Crown dungeon in the Drowned Isles biome having a water layer above the ocean.
- Fixed issue that could prevent login in certain cases of high network latency.
- Added code to increase server stability in cases of extreme network instability for some regions.
- Fixed bug where School of Fish trophies are stackable.
- Fixed bug where Knight's ultimate VFX didn't appear.
- Fixed bug where stats weren't set correctly in Battle Arenas without changing your class.
- Many multi-threading crash and UI fixes.
- Fix for a rare disconnection bug.
- Fixed bug where some enemies that are supposed to slow down during attacks do not.
- Fixed bug where Shadow Hunter appeared to have two bows.
- Fixed bug where Revenant's Spirit Storm could persist after death.
- Fixed an issue where the License Agreement sometimes wasn't displayed properly.
- Fixed Gunslinger Charged Shot to apply decreased descent.
- Fixed bug where boss abilities triggered too frequently.
- Fixed some behavior with the Twinkling Tomes and Golden Gem Keys - the tradable versions should appear in the Adventure Inventory, and the non-tradable versions used for crafting and Gem boxes should appear in the Crafting Inventory.
- Fixed bug where Neon Ninja class Gem shiruken would not deal damage when more than one hit in rapid succession.
- Fixed bug where killing invaders didn't always reflect in the Killed Invaders stat.
- Fixed bug where no respawn text was shown after dying in the tutorial.
- Fixed bug where weapon is sometimes replaced with fishing pole.
- Fixed inconsistencies in spacing and punctuation for Costume descriptions.
- Fixed a camera shake that occurred during movement.
- Fixed bug where some plant tooltips didn't show the season in which they grew.
- Fixed bug where boss affixes and other abilities triggered too frequently
- Fix bug where piercing projectiles stop after hitting a target.
- Fixed improper messaging when the controller was disconnected.
Preview: i> Lil Pup has had his mastery removed. The Skyfire Crown has moved to the Stash Exclus Show
- There is a special series of objectives granting 5 gem booster boxes, an Empowered Gem box, 2 Battle Boxes, 5 Re-gemerators, a Ninth Life, and 25 Dragonite! But act quick; these only last for 2 weeks.
- The Wings of Unexpected Ascension are back! Any player who has purchased anything ever can get a free pair of turkey wings in the Store. If this is not you... there will never be a better deal!
- Shadow turkeys have invaded. These are now the normal invaders and can also be found in the Dragonfire Peaks. Defeat them, collect the box, and craft all new turkey themed mounts.
- The Hub has been redecorated for the Turkeytopia festivities!
- Language selection priority is now given to the Settings menu instead of Glyph.
Club Permissions
- Zone Restrictions now applied to existing zones when terraforming.
- Fix for higher-ranks not being able to modify zones whose permissions had allowed lower ranking club members to modify the zone.
- Restrict ranks that can terraform to Officer and Leader.
Store Changes
- Three great new Packs are now in the store. The Dark Dungeoneer, Firey Fighter, and Celestial Champion will give you style as well as power.
- These packs are designed for new players, so act now if you want them because they'll be disappearing in a future patch for existing players!
Item Renames
- Recipe: Tolling Bell -> renamed to Recipe: Dangling Doorbell
- Recipe: Draconic Lantern -> renamed to Recipe: Dragon Lantern
- Recipe: Robot Egg -> renamed to Botnik Egg
- Recipe: Sweepy Shroomling -> renamed to Beddy Sweepy Shroomling
- Recipe: Monitor -> renamed to NED Display
- Recipe: Permafrost Tundra Snow Cube -> renamed to Permafrost Snow Cube
- Roboclock Radio -> renamed to Circadian Cadencer
- Techie Table Segment -> renamed to Tech Table Segment
- Metal Window Frame -> renamed to Optics-Enhanced Partition
Additional Updates
- Daily dragonite rewards now expire after 24 hours.
- Fix copies of placeable object previews reappearing in worlds if you'd left that world while in build mode.
- Removed exploit tied to a combat effect that is granted with the Candy Barbarian class gem.
- Supersampling settings no longer affect projectile targeting.
- Lil Pup has had his mastery removed. The Skyfire Crown has moved to the Stash Exclusive category and can now be unlocked using Super Style Stashes.
- The mastery contest now gives 300 pinatas to each of the top 10 instead of 999 to top 1.
- Snare VFX removed from Neon Ninja's Shadow Flip.
Preview: Lil Pup has had his mastery removed and the Skyfire Crown has moved to the Stash Exclus Show
Additional Updates
- Restrict ranks that can terraform to Officer and Leader.
- Lil Pup has had his mastery removed and the Skyfire Crown has moved to the Stash Exclusive category and can now be unlocked using Super Style Stashes.
- The mastery contest now gives 300 pinatas to each of the top 10 instead of 999 to top 1.
- Fixed a pothole in the Turkeytopia hub.
Hi folks! Our next patch (11/22) will have a couple changes in it to address the concerns raised here: Lil PuP is having Mastery removed. Skyfire Crown is being moved to the Stash Exclusive...